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⚡ Smart SIM
Looking for support with your Smart SIM? Look no further.
17 articles
📖 General
General guides for support
Which apps are supported?A list of all currently supported Smart SIM apps
Why does my Smart SIM have a US phone number?A breakdown of why Smart SIM shows a US phone number
Troubleshooting Smart SIM / checking you're connectedA guide on troubleshooting Smart SIM and checking you're connected
How to check if your Smart SIM is workingA guide to quickly check if your Smart SIM is working
Which countries does Smart SIM cover?A full list of countries that Smart SIM works in
Smart SIM FAQsFrequently asked questions about Smart SIM
🤖 Android
Guides for Android devices
Getting started with your Smart SIM (Android)A guide on setting up your Smart SIM for the first time on Android
How to move your Smart SIM to a new device (Android)Steps on how to move your Smart SIM to a new android device
How to turn Private DNS offSteps on how to turn off private DNS on android devices
Setting the Smart SIM as your primary connection (Android)How to set the Smart SIM as your primary connections on your android device
Setting the Smart SIM as your backup connection (Android)How to set your Smart SIM as a backup connection on your android device
📱 iOS
Guides for iOS devices
Getting started with your Smart SIM (iOS)Steps to help getting started with your Smart SIM
How to add Smart SIM as a shortcutSteps to help setup a shortcut on iOS for Smart SIM
How to move your Smart SIM to a new device (iOS)A guide on how to move your Smart SIM to a new iOS device
Turning Apple Private Relay offA guide for turning off private relay on your iOS device
How to set your Smart SIM as your primary connection (iOS)A guide for setting up your smart SIM as the primary connection on your iOS device
How to set your Smart SIM as your backup connection (iOS)A guide on how to set your Smart SIM as the backup connection on your iOS device